Minho Hub

Minho is featured in WWD Korea May 2024 Issue

Check out Minho’s interview with WWD Korea as he shares about his time in Rome when he attended COS Atelier SS24 Rome Showcase.

(Credit to @mh129 on Twitter for magazine scan. Translated by Google)

You have been busy since last year, right?
That’s right, we celebrated SHINee’s 15th anniversary last year. For 10 months, we held fan meetings, released an album and went on a concert tour. I also filmed a drama. I was as busy as when I was promoting SHINee’s Everybody album in 2013. I think we completed our 15th anniversary activities well. I felt this way particularly after the last tour stop. I felt proud and thought to myself, ‘Ah, I finished my activities well.’ This is our first concert tour in Japan after a while, I think it will be remembered for a long time. Time really flies, it seems like it was just yesterday that we celebrated our 10th anniversary, but it’s already our 15th anniversary. I don’t know if it’s just Korea, but the feeling that the number 5 gives is different. It’s our 15th anniversary and I’m already looking forward to the 20th anniversary.

From a singer to an actor and from an actor to a singer. How do you transition from one role to the next?
Honestly, I think I was always nervous in the past. I divided the roles and told myself to do it this way today and to do it that way tomorrow. But as the experience accumulates, I think I could transition into the different roles naturally. I was able to adapt to each day’s situation and do it naturally without having put much thought into it. As you gain experience, you become more flexible. However, my physical strength is not as good as it used to be (laughter). As I entered my mid-30s, I realized what it felt like to feel like my body was suffering. In the past, it just felt like it was ‘difficult’, but now, to exaggerate a bit, it feels like I’m wasting my lifespan.

The ‘Owunwan’ story on SNS seems to have become a regular routine.
I have been exercising regularly for a long time. In the past, I exercised because I enjoyed it. But these days, I’m working hard to take care of my health out of a sense of responsibility. I feel a sense of duty stay in good shape. I also hope the way I work out so hard can have a positive impact on someone else and they would feel like they can also do it.

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It’s been a while since you visited Europe for a fashion show. How did you feel watching the show in person?
COS style is usually modern and simple. It is actually one of my favorite brands and I enjoy wearing it for everyday wear. In fact, I have a lot of COS items in my closet. However, during the fashion show I was surprised to see that the variety of items was much wider variety than I had expected. I was especially impressed by the details. There are many classic items that you can wear on a daily basis.

Did you do some shopping this time too?
I visited the COS store, and there were a few new, knit clothing that I liked, so I bought some. They are all basic items, so they are comfortable to wear.

There were quite a few Italian fans at the Rome airport and at the show.
I was a bit surprised that there were fans at the airport. Actually, the happiest thing was that
fans came to the show. I was really impressed by the kindness and friendliness of the Italian fans. I had a preconceived notion that Italian people were somewhat passionate, but I was rather surprised by their calm appearance. I was touched by the way they treated me kindly and considerately.

On the day of the show, you had quite a bit of conversation with the celebrities sitting clos to you. What did you talk about?
The person sitting next to me on my left was Cuban actor, Alberto Gary. I introduced myself as a ‘singer and actor.’ and he asked me which I liked better. I said I liked them both so much that I could not choose. He introduced himself as an actor and said that he loved his job because he felt like he was dreaming every time he acted and that he loved conveying expressions to people through his own eyes. I thought he was a really cool person. I greeted many people, but that short 30 seconds conversation was the most memorable for me.

Did you enjoy the fashion show to the fullest?
In the past, when I went to see a show, I would simply admire the clothes. But before I knew it, I started to notice the overall setup, thinking about how the staff worked to create the show. As I began to see things I didn’t notice when I was young, I thought I had changed a bit.

I heard it was your first time in Rome. How was it?
It feels like a place where you have to experience with your eyes, ears, mouth, and all your senses. Photos or videos would not be able to capture the full experience. The atmosphere was unique and everywhere was full of new things. I thought I had travelled all over the world during my 15 years of work, but there is this new place! I knew that even though I had a lot of experience, there are still endless things to do.

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What is your most memorable moment?

Probably the Vatican City and the Colosseum. Michelangelo’s paintings in the Vatican felt unrealistic, and I couldn’t believe the size of the Colosseum. To say it’s beautiful isn’t enough. You have to go and see it to appreciate. I was so moved that there is no other way to express it. The buildings, paintings, and statues give me inspiration. Even though it was Easter Sunday and there were a lot of people, it was still worth visiting.

What would you recommend to be able to enjoy Rome to the fullest?
I think it’s good to visit museums. You can learn about the history and uniqueness of a country. Rome especially felt that way. I hope you can feel the inspiration this city gives you as you explore every corner of the city. Actually, the best thing about this trip was having fun while walking around. If I get to visit Rome again, I want to continue this travel course. Perhaps Rome will give me different emotions on my second visit.

In addition to visiting historical sites, what else did you do?
On the last two days, we toured a winery and a modern art museum. It was a shame that we couldn’t see the grapes at the winery because it wasn’t summer yet, but we could try three different wines and enjoy the picturesque view of Italy. I also visited the Massey Museum and the Museum of Modern Art.

It has been a while since you had time to recharge, what are your plans after you return?
When I have free time, I play golf and other sports and start preparing for my next activity. And since I threw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, I definitely want to come back to Rome!
